Firemans Burn Center
Forensic Archaeology: The Battle Over Ladder 4
– By Charles Pellegrino
A GRIEVOUS WRONG: History may never record why a “journalist” and his editorial allies invented a hoax in which the rescue vehicle belonging to the crew of Ladder 4, when it was discovered deep-hammered into the earth, some five-stories below the World Trade Center’s former street level, was said to have been filled with clothing looted from a Trade Center store. Describing the “discovery” as “a source of embarrassment and bitter mockery” of the word “hero,” a writer named Languishie and a handful of journalistic fellow travelers repeated the story so often – “It was hard to avoid the conclusion that the looting had begun even before the first tower fell… History will show that the great urban legend of the 21st century is the image of the heroic 9-11 firefighter” – that truth came to be regarded as lies, and lies became truth. By the spring of 2003, total strangers could be heard shouting the word, “Scum!” through the open engine bay doors of the firehouse where 4 Truck had once stood . . . . . More
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